Saturday, February 28, 2009

Bears in the Farmhouse: Part 2

I am working on Judy Laquidara's Quilt-Along. She has designed a Bear Paw Quilt and is providing the steps to those who read her blog and want to follow along.

Step one was picking out our fabrics. I picked fabrics left over from the log cabin quilt that I made commerating Ryan and I's trip to Oregon.

Step two was making 192, yep, 192 half square triangles for the paws.

All 192 triangles are made, just need to square them up.

Thanks Judy!


  1. that's amazing Susan! Holy smokes!

  2. That's a whole lot of HSTs - good for you!! I also use paper plates for piecing, I can't remember where I got the idea but they come in so handy. Can't wait to see the next step in your project...
