Sunday, January 25, 2009

Stashbusting Weeks 3 and 4

I am reporting the stashbusting for Weeks 3 and 4. I was in St. Thomas last week for my sisters wedding so I could not report!

I kinda fell off the wagon this week.....well to put it mildly I did buy alot of fabric! I got some fabric to make "Little People" Bags (they are simply drawstring bags to hold all of Sophie's Fisher Price Little People. I wanted to get matching novelty fabric so that Sophie would learn to put her toys away properly! I hope to start on those tomorrow and will show some pictures then. it goes..

Fabric in Week 3 and 4: 6.5 yards(GASP!!!!)

Fabric in YTD: 6.5 yards

Stashbusted Week 3 and 4: 3.5 yards

Stashbusted YTD: 5 yards

Net: +1.5 yards

Hope to do better next week!